Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just to play devil's advocate...Pt 2

I have a post in the works about a certain person. The March 6 version of her hate speech dressed up as "political commentary" came in the form of another attempted justification. Actually, it was more of a follow-up to her comment that she knows lots of gays that quite enjoy being called fags by the likes of her and the fundamentalist right.

"And I don't think there's anything offensive about any variation of faggy, faggotry, faggot, fag. It's a schoolyard taunt. It means -- it means wussy. It means, you know, Hillary giving a speech in a fake Southern drawl -- that's faggy. A trial lawyer who weeps before juries is faggy. Lifetime-type TV, faggy. So, in point of fact, I called John Edwards nothing. I said I couldn't even discuss him because using any variation of that totally excellent word would send me into rehab."

K. Got it. At least Michael Richards kept his mouth shut upon leaving the scene of the crime.

Over at Media Matters they have the continuously updated list of newspapers still carrying her column along with corresponding contact information.

Newspapers in California, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and, of course, Wisconsin still need a little help.

Newspapers in Illinois, Lousiana, North Carolina have already done good.

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