Wednesday, December 07, 2005

And now a word from our sponsors...

I'm really embarassed about being really excited for tonight. I haven't actually told anyone about my unabashed glee out of pure fear that all the years of breaking stereotypes will be for nothing. I even made sure I wasn't scheduled to work tonight.

Tonight at 8:00 pm, the new Project Runway season premiers.

And, I'm not gonna lie, I've had a post-it note on my cable box for the last month and a half.

I'm thinking I'll watch a little Sports Center or some lumberjack competition before and after The Runway. But, trust, I'm gonna be faggier than a homo at a Cher concert tonight. However, I'm confident and secure in my masculinity, that I can admit and share. Well, I can blog about it. But, if anyone asks me, I'll deny, deny, deny and then change the subject. Oh look, I'm George Bush! Yay me.

I know there are more people out there who share my addiction to The Runway. There are meetings and we have t-shirts. They're fabulous though so, obviously, expensive.

I spent a few hours last night online looking at all the contestants...and their bios...and their Q&As...and their audition videos...and their portfolios...and watching the previews...and reading some behind the scenes dirt. Hasn't everyone?

No one can ever overtake Kara, Jay and Austin. But there are crazy cool people on this year. Not Daniel, the rejected on the first episode last year guy. But there are lots of (all?) big homos and strong Black women and quiet (but wild!) Asian/Latina women in the middle. Lots of Drama! Lots of glamour. Lots of drinking.

I'm in heaven.

But don't ask me about it, I'll deny it all.

1 comment:

Brent said...

The Runway is mad emotional. And plus, he's so L.A.