Thursday, February 02, 2006

Sometimes I'm not supposed to understand

From time to time, I'm reminded how there are people out there in the world that I just cannot understand. I try to understand where people are coming from, try to listen to their opinions and to think logically about different ideas.

But, maybe there are time when I'm just not supposed to understand.

A certain Topeka, Kansas, defrocked Baptist minister has announced that he and a small, but vocal group of followers are planning on protesting the funerals of Wisconsin soldiers killed in the Middle East. The group is infamous for protesting the funerals of gays and lesbians as well as those who have passed as a result of complications due to AIDS and HIV.

But, as far as has been verified by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, none of the late soldiers were gay. I believe that the military actively screens soldiers for HIV/AIDS in their routine physicals. However, the group has posted images of the signs they plan on carrying.

They include:

"Thank God For 9-11" and "God Hates America."

Mr. Defrocked claims that God killed these Wisconsin soldiers in the Middle East because the United States "harbors gays". These soldiers were fighting for a nation that "harbors gays" and were rightfully struck down by God. Therefore, their funerals should be protested.




The Wisconsin state legislature and Governor Doyle are considering legislation.

Preventing Mr. Defrocked from protesting? Nope. First Amendment issues. If the KKK could do it in Skokie, then....

Forbidding him from entering the state? Nope. But, wouldn't that be just swell.

No, the governor and legislature are considering a law to require a certain distance to be maintained by protesters and funerals. I guess when I go and protest some KKK funeral, I'll have to stay a certain distance as well. Eh, all in a day.

However, Republican senators are calling any legislation a restriction on free speech. Exactly what needs to be said that will piss off the suburban/rural moderates enough to get as angry as I and more than a few people are?

Then again...

1) Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell blamed the 9-11 attacks and murders on "the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say "you helped this happen."

2) Bush and every Republican that can get near a microphone, tape recorder and camera has said that gay marriage is a threat to the institution of marriage. Didn't The Bachelor, Married In America, Brittany Spears #1, Brittany Spears #2 and all the divorced couples already pretty much seal the deal? Bill Maher hypothesizes that Bush may be correct because gay marriage looks more fun. However, as Maher points out quite eloquently, political speeches and laws aren't the only thing keeping male-on-male blowjobs from breaking out in sports bars across the country.

Oh well.

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