Thursday, May 26, 2005

You know how I'm into gangsta rap...

So yeah, I figured since i haven't posted in forever, I might as well post twice. I found this little questionaire and thought I'd diggldy down.

First Name

Were you named after anyone?
Nope. Considering the best option between my two parents was originally Herbert...Brent works just fine, thank you.

Do you wish on stars?
Call me sentimental...or maybe it's cuz I watched the Creek. Yes.

When did you last cry?
Watching All Over The Guy last week. I'm a sucker. What can I say?

Do you like your handwriting?
Yep. It's kind of like my mom's...creepy.

What is your favorite lunchmeat?
Honey-smoked chicken...shaven not sliced.

What is your most embarassing CD?
Found them cleaning at the parent's house...Michael Bolton and Kris Kros (the one with Jump).

Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell?
Yes. In high school.

Do looks matter?
68% yes...48% no...hey, I'm a mystery.

How do you release anger?
(1) I clean like a maniac...hey, mystery. (2)Sarcasm...hey, we're supposed to go right to sarcasm.

Where is your second home?
Still...the Kappa Delta Rho house at the University of Illinois...too bad I guess.

Do you trust others easily?

What was your favorite toy as a child?
When I was really little, I used to sit in one of those circular laundry baskets ALL THE TIME and pretend it was a plane or a car or a spaceship. After that...Optimus Prime and the vehicle Voltron (not the tigers).

Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Me? Please. It's a my first language.

Favorite Movies
Remember the Titans
Coyote Ugly...again...mystery.
Shakespeare in Love
And The Band Played On
In The Bedroom...but only the first time
Get Real

What are your nicknames?
Ping-Pong....Pat's a wierd guy. the candy (don't think too hard about that one).
Margaret...yeah, cause all rice looks alike, even when it's not even the same sex.

Would you bungee jump?

Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

Do you think that you are strong?
Stronger than Davee...weaker than preschoolers. What sarcasm? I better be.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Been craving Butterfinger in ice cream for about 8 years now...too bad about that anaphalactic shock. Now, Mint Chocolate Chip only from Baskin Robbins.

What are your favorite colors?
Navy blue. Clear blue (think an ocean where you can see perfectly down to the reef). Dark cream...mystery.

What are you listening to right now?
Huh...found another embarassing CD...the Dawson's Creek soundtrack...the first one.

Last thing you ate.
A fourth of an antipasto salad.

If you were a crayon what color would you be?
I can think of something else to do with that crayon.

What is the weather like right now?
According to my car? 79. According to every other sense I possess. 65

Last person you talked to on the phone?
Maren Huntington, West Virginia...the hidden gem of the United States.

How are you today?

Favorite drink?
Raspberry Ice Tea (with real brewed tea). Long Beach (especially the raspberry one from Roscoe's in Chicago...hmmm....I don't like raspberries, but I love drinks with raspberry in them). Chocolate Martini (FLUID!!!...but ask Brian real nicely and bat your eyes...but the all-time best is at Spiral in Lansing, Michigan).

Favorite sport?
Hockey. Curling. Both HUGE in Hawaii.

Hair Color?
Blacker than black...from last colorist that gave up before she started.

Eye Color?
Brown. Thought it was black for about 18 years...then was told that's not possible. Then again, mom had me convinced for 18 years that we never had jello cuz it was too hard to make.

Do you wear contacts?
Hell, I never take em out.

Favorite food?
Hands down, mom's shrimp's chili...macaroni salad on Hawaiian plate lunches...certain types of sushi that shall remain nameless for now.

Last movie you watched?
Kinsey and All Over the Guy...

Favorite day of the year?
July 6...the first day of the Wonder's Hall salad bar experience every year.
Actually...January 1st. :)

Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending...but not the "happily ever after" kind of happy ending. Would much rather have some kind of peace.

Hugs or kisses?
"It's been a rough day" -> quality hug
"I hope I see you again" -> a little G-rated, peck on the kisser

What is your favorite dessert?
Sweet, ripe honeydew.

Living arrangement?
Renting a loft with two roommates

What book(s) are you reading?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (AGAIN!!!), John D'Emilio's The World Turned and Wardell Pomeroy's Dr. Kinsey and the Institute for Sex Research

What did you watch on TV last night?
The West Wing rerun (two seasons ago), Bill Maher's V is for Victory.

Favorite smells?
Fresh pikake, Downy fabric sheets, someone's cologne.

1 comment:

Billie said... the candy (don't think too hard about that one).

Like the candy treat?
Why do your people always go to sarcasm first?